The Fresh-r is the only heat recovery ventilator available that also works with maximum efficiency in freezing temperatures. So Fresh-r is the only heat recovery ventilator that’s ready for NZEB. On average, there are 58 days of freezing temperatures in the Netherlands each year. And on all of those days, Fresh-r continues to ventilate with...
The Fresh-r links t Wi-Fi to provide real-time insight into air quality, performance, updates and predictive maintenance. Air quality is difficult to evaluate. But since you breathe in an average of 11,000 litres of air each day, you should be just a bit curious about the air quality in your home. Fresh-r shows you this...
The optional particulates filter keeps pollen and particulates such as diesel particles from entering homes. The filter is easy to replace yourself. Bothered by hay fever? Do you live near the highway? Or in a busy city? Sensitive lungs? Then your life can be considerably more pleasant if you filter the air coming into your...
In the Fresh-r, heat recovery runs via the copper, which conducts heat 1000x better than plastic, resulting in a thermal yield of 90 % at 60 m³ per hour, 87% at 80 m³ per hour and 84% at 120 m³ per hour. The Fresh-r ventilation is balanced. This means that the same amount of air...
Fresh-r is easy to install because no air supply lines are needed and few air discharge lines. Maintenance is easy to perform yourself due to the modular design.
Fresh-r ventilates only when necessary thanks to the built-in CO2 sensor. This requires much less energy than continuous ventilation. On average, the Fresh-r consumes only 6 W. Doing something only when it’s needed. That is clever. That’s why the Fresh-r is equipped with CO2 and humidity sensors. If an increase in CO2 or humidity is...
Research shows that, at levels of 2000 CO2 particles per million (PPM), our capacity to make good decisions decreases by 6%. Fresh-r ensures that CO2 levels remain under 1200 PPM. The more CO2 in the air, the less oxygen. And with less oxygen going to your brain, you don’t work as well. Scientific research has...
Since nearly all of the energy required for heating is saved, and because use and maintenance costs are extremely low, a Fresh-r pays for itself within an average of six years. Considerable discussion has arisen about the cost of the climate agreement. But a low-energy house is worth more than a house that requires lots...
The Fresh-r retains so much heat inside that additional heating is hardly necessary. This is a difference of 1.5 tons of CO2 each year for an average home. Heating our homes costs huge amounts of energy. Considerable savings can be achieved with insulation and closing off gaps. But you then need to ventilate with re-used...
By measuring CO2 and humidity continuously and ventilating only when necessary, Fresh-r keeps interior air healthy and your home free of moulds. In the same way that a fish doesn’t recognise water, we really don’t know much about the air that we breathe. Still, we take in a lungful of air some 900 times each...
Fresh-r ensures that it’s comfortable inside with demand-driven ventilation and particulate filtration without drafts and with less noise from outside. You only notice how fine a comfortable house is by its absence. Things mustn’t be too cold or too warm. Preferably no noise from outside or hum from devices. Preferably no drafts and certainly no...